Monday, May 16, 2011


I only used the spot healing tool and the clone tool to fix this photo. I used the spot healing tool on their faces and clothes and I used the clone tool to fix the hole in the curtains. I placed the tool directly below the hole when I clicked to make sure the folds in the curtains matched up right. When I tried using the spot healing tool on the curtains, it made them too blurred and they didn't match at all.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Milton Glaser poster

Milton Glaser seems to like using bold colors like red,  blue and black. Some of his designs feel cartoonish while others can have less color and more texture in them. He was born in New York City in 1929. In 1968, He and Clay Felker founded New York Magazine. In 1954, he was founder and president of Push Pin Studios.
I thought of this design for the background of my poster because it uses all of the same colors he would use in one of his posters. I got the idea for the swirls from his Bob Dylan poster.        

Friday, March 11, 2011

emotion words

For this artwork, I decided to make them opposites. I used bright and lighter colors in the first design for love. For the hate design I tried to make it as dark and loud as possible.
The idea for this assignment was to pick certain emotions and create a design that best goes with that emotion and make it mostly out of the word itself.
For my first design for love, it was harder for me to think of something to do so I just thought about colors. For my hate design it was easier to create. I thought about dark colors, but I also thought about cutting up the to make it look more rigged.

Friday, March 4, 2011

I made up my own company for this logo, I chose the word "Beautiful" because it has my initials in the beginning of the word and I thought it fit with the jeweler theme. The outline of my logo was made to look like a jewel. The hardest part of making my logo was thinking of a company.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

my first logo!

This is the first logo for my name, I made the guitar because all I do is listen to music. But I started with cutting my name in half, that was when I got the idea for the guitar.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Design 4: Color

1) While I was creating this art work, I paid more attention to my focal point. I used the gradient tool and added a bunch of interesting colors. Then I got the idea to use the pen tool to create the jagged lines coming out of the focal point and spreading through the artwork.
2) For this design, I had to add        color and make sure it had a strong focal point to draw the eye in. I made it my own because I used the pen tool to make jagged lines and other shapes in most of my other designs. Also, I didn't take anyone's ideas.
3) When I knew it would be a color design, the idea to do this popped in my head. I saw the multi-colored circle and jagged lines coming out of it at different angles. After I did that, I needed something in back of it so I thought of a few ideas and then I thought of checkers.

Friday, February 11, 2011